I have been trying to make a .sh script using the instructions to run on the Raspberry Pi for the Atmel ATSAMD51G19A:
sudo openocd -f openocdcfg.cfg
OpenOCD should stay running if it successfully connected to the device.
gdb-multiarch AtmelStart.elf
target remote :3333
file User.elf
mon reset
The display device should now be running the ncdisplay code.
Now I have no issues flashing the firmware onto the Atmel MCU. I only have issues when creating part 3 of the .sh script. So far, here is what my script looks like for part 3
(gdb) -ex target remote :3333
(gdb) -ex lo
(gdb) -ex file User.elf
(gdb) -ex y
(gdb) -ex y
(gdb) -ex lo
(gdb) -ex mon reset
(gdb) -ex q
None of the commands listed above will execute within gdb in terminal. I'm also unsure how to include 'y' for 'yes' within gdb when making a script. The terminal just stays idle waiting for the user to type a command.
I am still learning a lot about Linux and Debian/Ubuntu. In addition, this is the first time I have ever worked with gdb. Thank you for any help.
GDB takes a -x
command line argument that allows you to pass in a set of commands to run, see https://sourceware.org/gdb/current/onlinedocs/gdb/File-Options.html#File-Options for more details.
So you can place your GDB commands into a separate file (lets call it cmd.gdb
) and then do gdb-multiarch -x cmd.gdb AtmelStart.elf
If GDB is processing commands from a command file then it will assume yes
in answer to the yes/no prompts, so GDB will not stop.
If you do want to stick to using -ex
then you can try adding this command to the start of your list -ex 'set confirm off'
this should stop GDB asking you yes/no questions.