I have a nodejs service which runs on a linux machine. I need to connect to Sql Server (Mssql).
I am Using mssql package and I don't see any support in connecting with AD.
There is also an Azure Keyvault which we are able to connect to with the MSI connected to the machine by calling:
import * as msRestAzure from 'ms-rest-azure'
msRestAzure.loginWithVmMSI({ resource: this.azureKeyVaultResourceName })
Is there a way to use the credentials I get from loginWithVmMSI and connect to Sql Server? Is there a way to call Sql Server directly with AD?
Is there a support for it in a different driver? tedious or nodemssql?
If you can use Tedious (supports Azure AD from tedious@4.1.0).
There's a top-level authentication
option that allows specifying with authentication method to use:
new Connection({
'config': {
'server': '<server>',
'authentication': {
'type': 'azure-active-directory-password',
'options': {
'userName': '<userName>',
'password': '<password>'
'options': {
'encrypt': true
As for the integrated security part (MSI authentication support) there is currently (19.5.2019) a pull request pending on github. If it gets approved/accepted you will get the support - you can add it manually too.
The configuration would look like this
Simple connection config:
var connectionADMSI = {
server: [Server Name],
options: {
database:[Database Name],
encrypt: true
authentication: {
type: "azure-active-directory-MSI",
// Option client id, if provided, then the token will be only valid for that user
options: {
clientID: [Client ID For User Assigned Identity]
If you use the msnodesqlv8
you are out of luck. This is windows only solution and not yet supported on linux. For information purposes I'm including how to connect with it:
// Init connection string
var dbConfig = {
driver: 'msnodesqlv8',
connectionString:'Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server={localhost\\SQLNode};Database={nodedb};Trusted_Connection={yes};'