I'm trying to create a UI kit as reusable web components (using angular elements). I have did a test run to see whether the custom elements that we are developing inside angular project, can be used within that angular project too (In simply, i want to create a documentation like page, for the UI kit + how can i test the UI components that i'm developing - inside the same project).
Here is the link to stackblits https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-elements-test-kavinda
I used a separate module called buttons module to develop the ui components, and custom element defining is also done in that module. And i tried the app-component.html to use thosed elemnts - which didn't worked.
<slot name="icon_left" class="icon_left"></slot>
<slot name="btn_text" class="btn_text"></slot>
<slot name="icon_right" class="icon_right"></slot>
Code used to define the custom element
const btnElem = createCustomElement(PrimaryBtnComponent, { injector: this.injector });
customElements.define('primary-btn', btnElem);
Then used that element as below in app-component.html
<span slot="btn_text">Button</span>
Found a fix. I used this Web-Components ES5 adaptor
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs@2.1.3/custom-elements-es5-adapter.js"></script>
Use this in the index.html (inside of the head section)