There are no errors in the code execution , but the output of the minimax algorithm in incorrect , please have a look,` the AI_makemove function is called from the main loop, and the board_state is the copy of the actual board. The function AI_makemove is supposed to return the best move for the computer against the user , board_state is the current state of the board, depth is the number of positions filled in the board , check_if_won function returns true if the state is a win state for the current player .
def AI_makemove(board_state , isAI , depth):
temp_board = copy.deepcopy(board_state)
print(temp_board , depth , isAI)
if isAI:
bestVal = -9999
a = b = 0
for i in range(0,3):
for j in range(0,3):
if temp_board[i][j] == 0:
temp_board1 = copy.deepcopy(temp_board)
temp_board1[i][j] = 2
if check_if_won(2,temp_board1):
return [1 , i, j]
if depth == 9:
return [bestVal , a ,b]
l = AI_makemove(temp_board1,False,depth)
if int(l[0]) > bestVal:
bestVal = int(l[0])
a = int(l[1])
b = int(l[2])
bestVal = +9999
a = b = 0
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
if temp_board[i][j] == 0:
temp_board1 = copy.deepcopy(temp_board)
temp_board1[i][j] = 1
if check_if_won(1,temp_board1):
return [-1 , i, j]
if depth == 9:
return [bestVal , a ,b]
l = AI_makemove(temp_board1,True,depth)
if int(l[0]) < bestVal:
bestVal = int(l[0])
a = int(l[1])
b = int(l[2])
return [bestVal , a ,b]
I tried a couple of times to debug the code , but wasn't able to fix it , so i wrote the code again with a different approach and it worked. Here's the code