I am new to ngrx.API call won't happen in ngrx-angular6. i have tried everything. i cant find where i am wrong. whole day wasted here.:(
In Effects i have called a service and getting observable
isFileFeed$ = this.dataPersistence.fetch(LandingActionTypes.LoadIsFileFeed, {
run: (action: LoadFileFeed, state: LandingState) => {
const url = `www.sample.com`;
new LoadFileSuccess(status);
catchError(err => of(new LoadFileError(err.Description)))
onError: (action: LoadFileFeed, error) => {
console.error('Error', error);
return new LoadFileError(error);
In Service i have used pipe along with tap. if i call subscribe directly API call Invokes. but here it wont call any API. am also verified in the network tab also.
return this.http.get<any>(url)
.pipe(tap(response =>
this.log(`Service :api success: ${url}`);
here is my code in selector
const getLandingState = createFeatureSelector<LandingState>('landing');
const getFileEnableStatus = createSelector(
(state: LandingState) => state.isFileFeedEnabled
and i have consumed my observable through subscribe in my component like below.
this.isFileEnabled = res;
If your effect isn't firing at all, it's possible that you never registered it in the imports section of your @NgModule.
// Some imports
Another possibility is your lack of a returning the service's observable, and the function within the map function, you might have more luck with the following:
return this.service.apiRequest(url).pipe(
map((status: any) => {
return new LoadFileSuccess(status)
Be sure that if you wrap the arrow function in curly braces that you explicitly add the return keyword, otherwise things will not work as expected.