Following the office documentation I use "map_entries" break map into array(row(K, V)) structure. My question is how to extract K and V value from the row object? Currently I have to recast it to a Row object that I defined.
type.n , type.b
CAST(type AS ROW(n VARCHAR, b VARCHAR)) as type
cross join
unnest (map_entries(cast(json_extract(req, '$.types') as MAP<VARCHAR, VARCHAR>))) t (type)
) t
type.n = 'apple'
What version of Presto are you running? Recent versions of Trino (formerly known as Presto SQL) (0.207+) fixed an issue to make UNNEST return multiple columns when unnesting arrays of rows, as expected by the SQL specification.
This is how you would do it in the current version of Presto:
SELECT t.n, t.b
FROM <table>, UNNEST (map_entries(...)) t(n, b)
WHERE t.n = 'apple'