I can't compare between operators and it takes 1 only input and then the program crashes.
char operatorValue;
printf("\nEnter Operator:");
scanf("%c", &operatorValue);
} while (strcmp(operatorValue, '+') != 0 || strcmp(operatorValue, '-') != 0 ||
strcmp(operatorValue, '*') != 0 || strcmp(operatorValue, '/') != 0);
It may be easier to use the strchr function, defined as
char *strchr(const char *string, int c);
It finds the first occurrence of a character in a string. The character c can be the null character (\0); the ending null character of string is included in the search. Returns NULL if the character is not found. See the following page for a full description and example of use
char target = "+-*/";
} while (strchr(target, (int) operatorValue)) ==0); // loops until it gets a match
Then if you want to add more characters to the search string it is easy.