How to query nested document values in couchbase n1ql in java?
Document value is an object (Person) with 1 of its property type a List of objects (addresses).
Address object has multiple properties like city, zipCode, etc..
How to write a query to find matching records based on the lowest level (like city or zipCode)
Below is a sample document structure, all the documents have a similar structure
companyName: "ABC Inc",
companyId: 123,
persons: [
"name": "John Smith",
"address": [
"city": "London",
"zipCode": 1234,
"street": "23 Nottingham dr",
"contact": "123456678"
"city": "Los Angeles",
"zipCode": 67834,
"street": "345 Richmond dr",
"contact": "23456"
"name": "Peter Drink",
"address": [
"city": "Delhi",
"zipCode": 70046,
"street": "SP Road",
"contact": "9844334"
"city": "Los Angeles",
"zipCode": 67834,
"street": "433 Ku St",
"contact": "12345677"
the input criteria is zipCode, I need to be able to get all the person objects across all the documents based on the zipCode
Input: zipCode 67834 Expected Output:
"city": "Los Angeles",
"zipCode": 67834,
"street": "433 Ku St",
"contact": "12345677"
"city": "Los Angeles",
"zipCode": 67834,
"street": "345 Richmond dr",
"contact": "23456"
You need to first UNNEST the arrays (This makes self join parent document with each document of array)
FROM default AS d
UNNEST d.persons AS p
UNNEST p.address AS a
WHERE a.zipCode = 67834 AND .....;
CREATE INDEX ix1 ON default(DISTINCT ARRAY (DISTINCT ARRAY a.zipCode FOR a IN p.address END) FOR p IN persons END);
Binding variable names in the index must match with Unnest alias names to pick the index.