I want to generate a tree panel, when I define the TreeStore I get the following error: 'Cannot read property 'isModel' of undefined. Here is some fragment of my code:
Ext.define('App.view.AreaActivosTree', {
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
alias: 'widget.AreaActivosTree',
requires: ['Ext.toolbar.Toolbar', 'Ext.data.*', 'Ext.grid.*', 'Ext.tree.*', 'Ext.tip.*'],
initComponent: function() {
var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.TreeStore', {
fields: ['text'],
type: 'ajax',
url: 'principal/app/tree_areas_versat/',
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'root',
Ext.apply(this, {
items: [{
xtype: 'treepanel',
rootVisible: false,
store: store,
json que devuelve url: {"total": 73, "root": {"expanded": true, "children": [{"text": "AREA VICEPRESIDENCIA COMERCIAL", "expanded": true, "children": [{"text": "DIRECCI\u00d3N COMERCIAL LOGISTICA DE ALMACEN", "leaf": true}, {"text": "DIRECCI\u00d3N COMERCIAL MARKETING Y VENTAS", "leaf": true}, {"text": "DIRECCI\u00d3N COMERCIAL NUEVOS NEGOCIOS", "leaf": true}, {"text": "DIRECCI\u00d3N COMERCIAL TRANSPORTE Y SEGURO", "leaf": true}, {"text": "VICEPRESIDENCIA COMERCIAL", "leaf": true}, {"text": "OFICINA SECRETARIA VICE PRESIDENCIA COMERCIAL", "leaf": true}]}, {"text": "AREA DIRECCION DE INSPECCION DEL TRANSPORTE", "expanded": true, "children": [{"text": "DIRECCION DE INSPECCION DEL TRANSPORTE", "leaf": true}, {"text": "GPS", "leaf": true}]}, {"text": "AREA VICEPRESIDENCIA LOGISTICA", "expanded": true, "children": [{"text": "VICEPRESIDENCIA LOGISTICA", "leaf": true}, {"text": "DIRECCI\u00d3N DE GESTI\u00d3N DE LOS RECURSO E INVENTARIOS", "leaf": true}, {"text": "GRUPO ADMINISTRACI\u00d3N", "leaf": true}]}, {"text": "TRANSPORTE", "expanded": true, "children": [{"text": "DIRECCION", "leaf": true}]}, {"text": "DIRECCION JURIDICA AFT", "expanded": true, "children": [{"text": "OFICINA DIRECCION", "leaf": true}, {"text": "OFICINA ASESORES JURIDICOS", "leaf": true}]}]}, "success": true}
From the docs for the model config of a store:
This config is required for the store to be able to read data unless you have defined the fields config which will create an anonymous Ext.data.Model.
So you can define a model for your store or simply adding fields: ['text']
to your store config should do the trick.
I was wrong, it looks like the issue is that you need to define the JSON property where your root is. So in this case that would be 'root.children' I think, but that is causing an infinitely loading tree for me. I got it to work by modifying your JSON so that it just lists the children of the root and doesn't include the root config. See fiddle here.