I want to insert each string from player id into url and concatenate the entire string so that I can scrape the url. When I do this in python I get the error
url = "https://rotogrinders.com/players/",player_id[x],"?format=json"
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
player_id = ["stephen-curry-1079","rodney-hood-18629","c-j-mccollum-17121","damian-lillard-13900","enes-kanter-13299",
x = 0
for x in player_id:
url = "https://rotogrinders.com/players/",player_id[x],"?format=json"
Basically, the x
is a string already, but you're treating it like an integer.
You can do simply:
for x in player_id:
url = "https://rotogrinders.com/players/" + x + "?format=json"
Or, in Python 3:
url = f"https://rotogrinders.com/players/{x}?format=json"