With puppeteer, can we change the lang after we specified it during the browser launching ?
In my code below, I'm specifying the lang with the --lang
parameter for chrome headless but I would love to know if later in my code we can change, on the fly, the language...
Here's how I set the lang in a first time :
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
args: [`--lang=${lang}`]
... some stuff here
// then change the lang here
Then after in my code I've been tried to change like that (but it's doesn't work) :
await page.setExtraHTTPHeaders({
'Accept-Language': lang
I found this solution here : How to specify browser language in Puppeteer
Also I have tried to create a wsEndpoint (it's what I want to do in fact, like the Ebidel's article : https://developers.google.com/web/tools/puppeteer/articles/ssr#reuseinstance) and to change the lang like that :
const browser = await puppeteer.connect({
args: [`--lang=${lang}`]
...but it's still doesn't work.
Have you an idea how to do that ? I've found few topics about that.
Finally there's no way to do that for the moment.