I would like to copy svn project to git project on linux environment. Currently I'm having my project in svn repo with branches, tags and trunk folder structure. I need to copy everything to git repo including history. I thought of using svn2git but do not have a good idea on the steps that I need to follow.
svn2git is a great tool. I'm using it to migrate over a large project. You need to define rules for each branch/tags. Wild cards are your friend.
Here are some sample rules. NOTE: Rules are run in order.
match /trunk/
branch master
end match
match /branches/([^/]+)/
branch \1
end match
match /tags/([^/]+)/
branch refs/tags/\1
annotated true
end match
This will result in the following branches: master, Foo, and Bar and tags Baz and Foobar.
Something that took me a while to figure out is if you need to dig deeper into the path you need to use the recurse function. For example if a commit copies all of branches into tags, the path would just be /branches/. You need to rule to go down a directory.
match /branches/$
action recurse
end match
Another great tool to use before writing your rules is svneverever. It will help you write your rules.