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Nested Loop to generate a json array

I have a requirement to enter two objects in a json array for each object in the input.

I wrote the following code to do so:

%dw 2.0
output application/csv
var categoryList = ["Business","Authorization"]
payload map((payload01,indexOfPayload01)->
categoryList map((payload02,indexOfPayload02)->
    "Name": payload01.Name,
    "End Tag": "End"

My output is:

      "Name": "Desc 1",
      "Category": "Business",
      "Code": "Customer",
      "Percentage": null,
      "End Tag": "END"
      "Name": "Desc 1",
      "Category": "Authorization",
      "Code": "Customer",
      "Percentage": null,
      "End Tag": "END"
      "Name": "Desc 2",
      "Category": "Business",
      "Code": "Customer",
      "Percentage": null,
      "End Tag": "END"
      "Name": "Desc 2",
      "Category": "Authorization",
      "Code": "Customer",
      "Percentage": null,
      "End Tag": "END"

But I wanted the values as a single json array. Here the data was separated as two objects. My Expected output:

      "Name": "Desc 1",
      "Category": "Business",
      "Code": "Customer",
      "Percentage": null,
      "End Tag": "END"
      "Name": "Desc 1",
      "Category": "Authorization",
      "Code": "Customer",
      "Percentage": null,
      "End Tag": "END"
      "Name": "Desc 2",
      "Category": "Business",
      "Code": "Customer",
      "Percentage": null,
      "End Tag": "END"
      "Name": "Desc 2",
      "Category": "Authorization",
      "Code": "Customer",
      "Percentage": null,
      "End Tag": "END"

How can I get this done? Needless to say, I am new to Mule.

Thanks, Anoop


  • You can use flatMap as I'm showing in this example, or flatten the result as the example 2

    %dw 2.0
    output application/csv
    var categoryList = ["Business","Authorization"]
    payload flatMap((payload01,indexOfPayload01)->
    categoryList map((payload02,indexOfPayload02)->
        "Name": payload01.Name,
        "End Tag": "End"

    This example shows how to use flattn

    %dw 2.0
    output application/csv
    var categoryList = ["Business","Authorization"]
    flatten(payload map((payload01,indexOfPayload01)->
    categoryList map((payload02,indexOfPayload02)->
        "Name": payload01.Name,
        "End Tag": "End"