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inf ServiceBinary - quote path with spaces

I have a .inf file for installing a service. The path of the installation contains spaces. I want to quote them, for avoiding security issues.

Currently, the inf has these lines:

ServiceBinary  = %10%\path\with sub folder that contains spaces\myservice.exe


DefaultDestDir = 10,path\with sub folder that contains spaces

So in order to the service appear with quotes here: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\myservice\ImagePath

I have changed ServiceBinary, as mentioned here.

I have tried all of these but with no success:

ServiceBinary  = "%10%\path\with sub folder that contains spaces\myservice.exe"
ServiceBinary  = ""%10%\path\with sub folder that contains spaces\myservice.exe""
ServiceBinary  = %10%""\path\with sub folder that contains spaces\myservice.exe""

Do you know what should I change in my .inf file, so the service's exe path will be quoted in the registry (and service's Path to Executable property as well)?



  • So I have found the answer...

    DefaultDestDir = 10,""path\with sub folder that contains spaces""


    ServiceBinary  = """%10%\path\with sub folder that contains spaces\myservice.exe"""

    Pay attention to the three(!) quotation marks for ServiceBinary.

    You can see Microsoft docs for more info.