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Is there a reason for why AccessibilityManager.sInstance would cause a memory leak?

I have an activity that contains a fragment. Running Leak Canary, I see that the activity has a memory leak.

I have commented out all the code from activity and fragment to where the activity is only displaying the fragment and the fragment has an empty xml layout. I have no accessibility in either file or within the xml.

* AccessibilityManager$1.!(this$0)! (anonymous subclass of android.view.accessibility.IAccessibilityManagerClient$Stub)
* ↳ AccessibilityManager.!(mTouchExplorationStateChangeListeners)!
* ↳ CopyOnWriteArrayList.!(elements)!
* ↳ array Object[].!([2])!
* ↳ AccessibilityManagerCompat$TouchExplorationStateChangeListenerWrapper.!(mListener)!
* ↳ BaseTransientBottomBar$SnackbarBaseLayout$1.!(this$0)! (anonymous implementation of$TouchExplorationStateChangeListener)
* ↳ Snackbar$SnackbarLayout.mContext
* ↳ ContextThemeWrapper.mBase
* ↳ MessagesActivity


  • OK, I actually got it figured out. This is a memory leak in Snackbar and here is how it can be reproduced:

    Way to reproduce

    1. Create a Snackbar and reference it in an Activity
    2. Don't call
    3. Open and close the Activity
    4. Notice that the Activity is not garbage collected because snackbar has a reference to it


    The SnackbarBaseLayout calls addTouchExplorationStateChangeListener() in constructor and removeTouchExplorationStateChangeListener() in onDetachedFromWindow(). Where the addTouchExplorationStateChangeListener() probably should be called from onAttachedToWindow() because the SnackbarBaseLayout is not attached to window unless is called.

    Solution 1

    Update to AndroidX and use instead.

    Solution 2

    Do not create the Snackbar unless you are ready to show it.