I am trying to interact with a RETS (Real Estate Transaction Standard) server to find all listings where matrix_unique_id
field is greater than or equal to 0.
After logging in, I tried the following URI
The above call returns
<RETS ReplyCode="20201" ReplyText="No Records Found."/>
But then I supplied a valid Matrix_Unique_Id value like this
Now that returns something but not what I am expecting. The returned value is as follow
Here is the documentation for RETS 1.7.2 and a PDF
Additionally, here is an example of how to search RETS server for a different server but both adhere to the same specification.
Additionally, I used RETS Connector to query the listing and I am able to download listings with no issues which indicated that my account is working and has permission to search.
Question: How can I correctly search up all properties where the field Matrix_Unique_Id
is 0+?
For getting full result try the following logic,
This will return all the listings from the year 2000 onwards. If you need further old, give 1990 or older in the query.
Note: Your example query (matrix_unique_id=0+) is not working because of its pattern may not be correct, say 8 digit number only will take as input.