I am trying to get the sum of product quantities in odoo account.invoice model.
This can be done easily in the XML tree view adding sum= for this field:
But, I also want to have this value printed on the QWeb report (the invoice pdf).
How can I get the sum="" value to be printed on the QWeb report? Or create a new field that returns this value?
I am new to odoo, and I am using odoo studio on SaaS.
I have tried to create a new field with compute code, but it is not working.
Here is the code I tried with a new float field "x_studio_total_qty" in account.invoice model:
for record in self:
record.x_studio_total_qty = len(record.quantity)
dependencies: invoice_line_ids.quantity
But the x_studio_total_qty value stays 0.00.
Thanks for the help
The code should be:
for record in self:
record['x_studio_total_qty'] =\
sum([line.quantity for line in record.invoice_line_ids])
If sum
is not working (never tested it) just try it without using it:
for record in self:
total = 0.0
for line in record.invoice_line_ids:
total += line.quantity
record['x_studio_total_qty'] = total