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running sum with window function

I have the following data in a table:


I want to update col2 in the table with the running sum of the difference between col1 and the previous value of col1 minus 1

col2 = col2.prev + col1 - col1.prev - 1

The result would be:

col1  |  col2
  1   |  0
  2   |  0
  5   |  2
  9   |  5
 10   |  5

I tried using a window function:

SELECT sum(col1 - lag(col1) OVER (ORDER BY col1) - 1) AS col2 FROM table1

But this is not allowed - ERROR: aggregate function calls cannot contain window function calls

Is there another way I can accomplish this? I know I could easily write a function to loop through the rows but I get the impression from what I've read that this method is not efficient and discouraged in most cases. Please correct me if I have the wrong impression.


  • ERROR: aggregate function calls cannot contain window function calls

    This error message is displayed because it is not permitted to apply an aggregate function on a column generated through a windowed expression. Nor is it permitted to apply a second windowed expression. The solution is to simply wrap the result in a cte & apply the second windowed expression in a subsequent select statement.

    WITH mytable(col1) AS (
    VALUES (1), (2), (5), (9), (10)
    , lagdiff AS (
      , COALESCE(col1 - lag(col1) OVER (ORDER BY col1) - 1, 0) col2_
      FROM mytable
    , SUM(col2_) OVER (ORDER BY col1) col2
    FROM lagdiff

    Produces Output:

     col1 | col2
        1 |    0
        2 |    0
        5 |    2
        9 |    5
       10 |    5
    (5 rows)