I am still new to Swift and programming in general. I am currently stuck on how to make an extension on a button self trigger(invoke) in viewDidLoad
. my code works when I tap the button but I want this do self trigger without tapping in viewDidLoad
@IBOutlet weak var blinkButton: UIButton!
// Yellow Colour Error: All paths through this function will call itself
@IBAction func blinkButtonTapped(_ sender: UIButton) {
// Yellow Colour Error: All paths through this function will call itself
extension UIButton {
func blinkButton(_ sender: AnyObject?) {
self.blinkButton( nil )
let flash = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "opacity")
flash.duration = 0.5
flash.fromValue = 1
flash.toValue = 0.1
flash.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: CAMediaTimingFunctionName.easeInEaseOut)
flash.autoreverses = true
flash.repeatCount = 100000000
layer.add(flash, forKey: nil)
I want to call blinkButton
function in ViewDidLoad
You need to pass value as nil
, because parameter has optional type or you can pass any object type.
override func viewDidLoad() {
And you need to remove in self.blinkButton(nil)
in func blinkButton
, it's called two time.