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How to return only matching arrays item with MongoDB PHP Library

I am new to MongoDB and currently I am using MongoDB hosted at Atlas.

My code uses PHP MongoDB library.

The database has a collection called "transactions" which has such a structure:


Based on this answer, I have the following code trying to find the history that a payment_date equal 2017-08-02

$manager = new \MongoDB\Driver\Manager(getenv('MONGODB_DSN'));
$db = new \MongoDB\Database($manager, getenv('MONGODB_DATABASE'));
$cursor = $db->transaction->find(
    ['history.payment_date' => '2017-08-02'],
    ['_id' => 0, 'history' => ['$elemMatch' => ['history.payment_date' => '2017-08-02']]]
return $cursor->toArray();

But it returns no items!

It I try the code in MongoShell it works!

I also tried some code using aggregate:

$manager = new \MongoDB\Driver\Manager(getenv('MONGODB_DSN'));
$db = new \MongoDB\Database($manager, getenv('MONGODB_DATABASE'));
$cursor = $db->transaction->aggregate(
            '$match' => [
                'history.payment_date' => "2017-08-02"
            '$project' => [
                '_id' => 0,
                'history' => 1
return $cursor->toArray();

I followed a lot of links and I haven't success with any of them! So I would appreciate if you do not give me another link, because I have visited hundreds yet!


  • I would give this a try:

    $cursor = $db->transaction->aggregate(
                '$match' => [
                    'history.payment_date' => "2017-08-02" // limit returned documents to ones with matches
                '$unwind' => "$history" // split each document into multiple documents based on history
                '$match' => [
                    'history.payment_date' => "2017-08-02" // only return documents that match