I have a json string encoded using json in lua for nginx. I have used cjson for encoding I need to get value of a json key.
"key1": "value1",
"key2": value2,
"content": {
"key4": "value4"
How to get the value of key4 in lua.
So i have following
local encodedjson = cjson.encode(jwt_obj)
How do i extract value4 from encodedjson variable.
The Lua cjson library can take a JSON string and convert it into a Lua table using cjson.decode
Once you have decoded the JSON string you can index the table with the keys. json_table.content.key4
Please note that numeric keys in a JSON file will always be represented as a string key in a lua table
i.e: t['1']
not t[1]
References: Lua CJSON: 3.3 decode