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Nagios plugin to check md5 directory sum in Windows powershell

Hi im trying to make my own plugin to check md5 sum inside directory and compare it with old one.

I wrote a script below

$Patch1= "C:\Users\User\Downloads\"
$Patch2= "D:\sqls\"
# Check both hashes are the same
Function Get-DirHash($Path1) {
    gci -File -Recurse $Path1 | Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5 | select -ExpandProperty Hash | Out-File "C:/Program Files/temp.txt" -NoNewline
    $temp="C:/Program Files/temp.txt"
    $hash=Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5 $temp
    return $hash
Function Get-DirHash2($Path2) {
    gci -File -Recurse $Path2 | Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5 | select -ExpandProperty Hash | Out-File "C:/Program Files/temp2.txt" -NoNewline
    $temp2="C:/Program Files/temp2.txt"
    $hash2=Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5 $temp2
    return $hash2

if (Get-DirHash($Patch1) -eq Get-DirHash2($Patch2)) {
    Write-Host 'Get-FileHash results are consistent' -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
    Write-Host 'Get-FileHash results are inconsistent!!' -ForegroundColor Red

But the output says that hashes are always equal

Algorithm       Hash                                                                   Path
---------       ----                                                                   ----
MD5             1BF506BB988C14CD8D1F04F239AE401C
MD5             1BF506BB988C14CD8D1F04F239AE401C
Get-FileHash results are consistent

Do you guys got any idea how to make this ?


  • You can use the same Get-DirHash for both paths.

    $Patch1 = "D:\test1"
    $Patch2 = "D:\test2"
    function Get-DirHash([string]$Path) {
        # create a new temporary file (returns a FileInfo object)
        $temp = New-TemporaryFile
        Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse $Path | 
            Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5 | 
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Hash | 
            Out-File -FilePath $temp.FullName -NoNewline -Encoding ascii
        $hash = $temp | Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5 | 
                        Select-Object Algorithm,Hash, @{Name = 'Path'; Expression = {$Path}}
        $temp | Remove-Item 
        return $hash
    # Check both hashes are the same
    $hash1 = Get-DirHash($Patch1)
    $hash2 = Get-DirHash($Patch2)
    if ($hash1.Hash -eq $hash2.Hash) {
        Write-Host 'Get-FileHash results are consistent' -ForegroundColor Green
    } else {
        Write-Host 'Get-FileHash results are inconsistent!!' -ForegroundColor Red
    # output the objects on screen

    Using two different folders for $Patch1 and $Patch2 the result is

    Get-FileHash results are inconsistent!!
    Algorithm Hash                             Path    
    --------- ----                             ----    
    MD5       3C13B5C3F5D3EFC25BAE427CAC194F8D D:\test1
    MD5       DC21045CDDFF056E88933D82CB18DAEC D:\test2