I have a stencilJS component with two named slots. Is there a way to determine if the slots have been assigned values? For instance, the code snippet below show named slots for "logo" and "menu." How can I check inside the component if both named slots are not empty? Ideally I want to check from inside the component and during componentWillMount() . Thank you.
<koi-menu breakpoint="768" userToggled="false">
<div class="logo__header " slot="logo"><img src="assets/images/logo.png" /></div>
<ul class="nav__wrapper list mw8-ns center-m" slot="menu">
<li class="nav__listitem"><a class="ttu nav__link" href="???">Why Live Grit</a></li>
<li class="nav__listitem"><a class="ttu nav__link" href="???">Clients</a></li>
<li class="nav__listitem"><a class="ttu nav__link" href="???">Our Programs</a></li>
<li class="nav__listitem"><a class="ttu nav__link" href="???">Our Story</a></li>
The use of a slot can be detected from the host element in the componentWillLoad() function:
hasLogoSlot: boolean;
hasMenuSlot: boolean;
@Element() hostElement: HTMLStencilElement;
componentWillLoad() {
this.hasLogoSlot = !!this.hostElement.querySelector('[slot="logo"]');
this.hasMenuSlot = !!this.hostElement.querySelector('[slot="menu"]');