I am getting data from the database, and populating the ArrayList
The variable ArrayList categories, is populated within the scope of the findInBackground. I noticed that the program never goes out of the findInBackground scope, so it never gets to return anything for my activity
public ArrayList<Categorias> onCompleteGetData(String tableName) {
ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = ParseQuery.getQuery(tableName);
query.findInBackground((objects, e) -> {
for (ParseObject objectList : objects) {
Categorias categ = new Categorias();
return this.categories;
['House', 'loan', 'salary']
Part of My activity
if (value == -1){
categorias = new ArrayList<>();
CategoryController controller = new CategoryController(context);
categorias = controller.onCompleteGetData(Utils.CATEGORIA_EXPENSE);
Toast.makeText(context, String.valueOf(controller.onCompleteGetData(Utils.CATEGORIA_DESPESA).size()), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
}else if (value == +1){
categorias = new ArrayList<>();
CategoryController controller = new CategoryController(context);
categorias = controller.onCompleteGetData(Utils.CATEGORIA_REVENUE);
Toast.makeText(context, String.valueOf(controller.onCompleteGetData(Utils.CATEGORIA_RECEITA).size()), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Since you are using findInBackground method, "return this.categories;" is running before (and therefore returning an empty list) than your loop. The easier way to fix your code would be using the find method instead of the findInBackground.
public ArrayList<Categorias> onCompleteGetData(String tableName) {
ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = ParseQuery.getQuery(tableName);
List<ParseObject> objectList = query.find();
for (ParseObject objectList : objects) {
Categorias categ = new Categorias();
return this.categories;