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Java: consuming a Spring WebFlux application from a Play Framework application

I am having some questions about consuming a Spring WebFlux application from a Play Framework application, over HTTP, could you please provide some help?

Micro service A is a reactive Spring WebFlux, written in Java 8, SpringBoot 2.1.4, it is exposing this API:

@Autowired private ReactiveCustomerRepository customerRepository;

public Flux<Customer> getAllCustomers() {
    Flux<Customer> c = customerRepository.findAll().delayElements(Duration.ofMillis(5000));
    return c;

I would like to consume this, in a reactive way from a Play Framework micro service B, over HTTP.

Could you please provide some advices or a small snippet on how to achieve this please?

Thank you for your help.


  • You can try to use different content-type that supports streaming - application/stream+json. Spring WebFlux will serialize individual Flux elements and send them one by one over the wire. Check out the following SO thread about it: Spring WebFlux Flux behavior with non streaming application/json

    On the play-ws side you should be able to receive this data as Source[T].