Using codeceptJs 2.1.1 with Gherkin 5.1.0 french test I'm trying to check all the fields are present in a form using a datable to provide fields name.
Here is the Gherkin test:
Scénario: Les champs
Alors je vois les champs :
| coteComplete |
| typeOptionCote |
Here is the corresponding step:
Then('je vois les champs( de saisie) :', (name) => {
I.say('name', name);
I.seeElement(`input[name=${name}], select[name=${name}], textearea[name=${name}]`);
Here is the stack trace:
$ npx codeceptjs run --grep "tabletest" --debug --verbose
CodeceptJS v2.1.1
Using test root "C:\PISTARD\diffusion\dev\pistard-diffusion"
Helpers: Protractor
Plugins: screenshotOnFail, wdio
Recherche par cote @PDIFF-56 --
Emitted | suite.before ([object Object])
» Started SeleniumStandaloneLauncher
» [Session] Starting singleton browser session
Les champs @tabletest
Emitted | test.before ([object Object])
Emitted | hook.start ([object Object])
Emitted | step.before (I am on page "recherche-avancee")
Emitted | step.after (I am on page "recherche-avancee")
Emitted | step.start (I am on page "recherche-avancee")
Etant donné que je suis sur la page "recherche avancee"
I am on page "recherche-avancee"
» Visited http://localhost:4200/recherche-avancee
Emitted | step.passed (I am on page "recherche-avancee")
Emitted | step.finish (I am on page "recherche-avancee")
Emitted | hook.passed ([object Object])
Emitted | test.start ([object Object])
[1] Error | TypeError: Cannot read property 'bold' of undefined
[1] Starting <teardown> session
Emitted | test.failed ([object Object])
Emitted | test.finish ([object Object])
[1] <teardown> Stopping recording promises
» <screenshotOnFail> Test failed, saving screenshot
» Screenshot has been saved to C:\PISTARD\diffusion\dev\pistard-diffusion\codeceptjs-output\Les_champs_1557763592.failed.png
× FAILED in 287ms
[2] Starting recording promises
Emitted | test.after ([object Object])
Emitted | suite.after ([object Object])
1) Recherche par cote @PDIFF-56
Les champs @tabletest:
Cannot read property 'bold' of undefined
ypeError: Cannot read property 'bold' of undefined
at Object.say (node_modules\codeceptjs\lib\output.js:139:53)
at recorder.add (node_modules\codeceptjs\lib\actor.js:40:78)
at process.internalTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:77:7)
FAIL | 0 passed, 1 failed // 5s
Emitted | global.result ([object Object])
Emitted | global.after ([object Object])
» Stopped SeleniumStandaloneLauncher
Using node inspector I was able to see further in the trace.
Add the argument --node-arg=--inspect-brk
to tyou command
npx --node-arg=--inspect-brk codeceptjs run --grep "tabletest" --debug
Then open nodejsinspector from your chrome devtools by clicking the node icon:
As for the "bold of undefined" error it
I.say("InputName:" + name);
About the received variables I could see the test in fact receives an object containing the array of values and not actual value. The actual value is accessible like this:
let name = dataTest.rows[0].cells[0].value
so you have to loop manually in the array you receive to get each value and test it
Then('je vois les champs( de saisie)( :)', (dataTest) => {
let name;
dataTest.rows.forEach(element => {
name = element.cells[0].value;
I.seeElement(`input[name=${name}], select[name=${name}], textearea[name=${name}]`);