I have multiple Dropzones in my project that are all very similar. On one of them, I had to create a minimum file width, but the video Dropzone doesn't work with the file width code. I ended up having to create a separate options call for each Dropzone. This created a lot of duplicated code for the functions that are on both options calls. Is there a way I can create named function expressions for all my options and use the names so that I don't have so much duplicated code?
Dropzone.options[item.substring(1, item.length)] = {
acceptedFiles: files,
previewTemplate: document.getElementById('tpl').innerHTML,
accept: function(file, done) {
file.acceptDimensions = done;
file.rejectDimensions = function () { done("Image must be at least 450 pixels wide."); }
init: function () {
this.on("thumbnail", function (file) {
if (file.width !== undefined) {
if (file.width < 3 * 150) { // File must be at least 3 blocks wide
} else {
this.on("success", function (file, response) {
// code here, including persist variable, which I need to pass in
generateUIDs(Dropzone.forElement(item).files, persist);
// more code
sending: function (file) {
removedfile: function (file) {
// code here, also need persist for this call
generateUIDs(Dropzone.forElement(item).files, persist);
//more code
Ideally, I'd like for accept, sending, and removedFile to each be one line to reference a named function expression, with my persist variable being passed in. I'd like the init events to do the same thing.
I figured out the syntax:
Dropzone.options[item.substring(1, item.length)] = {
acceptedFiles: files,
maxFilesize: 512,
previewTemplate: document.getElementById('tpl').innerHTML,
init: function () {
this.on("success", function (file, response) { return DropzoneOnSuccess(file, response, item, persist, btn) });
sending: function (file) {
removedfile: function (file) { return DropzoneRemoved(file, item, persist, saver, btn); }
var DropzoneAccept = function (file, done) {
file.acceptDimensions = done;
file.rejectDimensions = function () { done("Image must be at least 450 pixels wide."); }
var DropzoneCheckThumbnail = function (file) {
if (file.width !== undefined) {
if (file.width < 3 * 150) { // File must be at least 3 blocks wide
} else {
var DropzoneOnSuccess = function (file, response, persist) {
// code
generateUIDs(Dropzone.forElement(item).files, persist);
//more code
var DropzoneRemoved = function (file, persist) {
// code
generateUIDs(Dropzone.forElement(item).files, persist);
// more code