I use the following commands to kill a task in Task Manager.
os.system("taskkill /f /im " + ProgName)
It works fine for most tasks but I found one that it fails to kill.
I think its because it has more than one period in the name but I am not sure. I tried multiple variations of the name.
Is there a way to kill all tasks that begin with a string (e.x. CefSharp*) using python3?
P.S. this is my very first question on the site, please forgive my ignorance of the subject and any mistakes in tagging or phrasing.
The Windows taskkill
tool does take wildcards, so it should be possible to test:
os.system("taskkill /F /IM CefSharp* /T")
is used to kill all child processes.
Or as follows:
ProgName = "CefSharp*"
os.system(f"taskkill /F /IM {ProgName} /T")