I a newbie in Scala and I have small task that requires me to decompress *.gz file
from resources
So I want a proper way to do that to be able to parse file content after. Surely I have read some articles in the past, like:
I can parse file content that is not archieved but cannot handle gz archive right now. Looks like I'm missing something small as I am newbie in Java and in Scala too.
Scala version - 2.21.0
I have a part of my code below:
object ResourceLoader {
def loadResource(fileName: String): Try[InputStream] = Try(getClass.getResourceAsStream(fileName))
def loadResource(fileName: String): Try[List[String]] =
for {
resourceStream <- loadResource(fileName)
resourceContent = Source.fromInputStream(resourceStream).getLines.toList
} yield resourceContent
Then I can iterate over not archieved file like:
val content = ResourceLoader.loadResourceContent("/test_text.csv") recover {
case e: FileNotFoundException => println(s"Requested file not found: $e")
case e: SecurityException => println(s"Permission denied: $e")
case e: Exception => println(s"An unknown exception occurred: $e")
But cannot understand how to decompress gz archive first and then iterate over it.
I expect to use GZIPInputStream instead of getResourceAsStream in loadResource function but can't understand how to do that in proper way.
Thank you in advance for any help!
As @Luis commented, this is what you can do:
val inputStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("test_text.csv.gz")
val gzipFileSource: BufferedSource = Source.fromInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(inputStream))