I have to find the smallest number that is not in a list of intervals. For example, i have a list: [(2, 6), (0, 3), (9, 10)]. I have to find the smallest number by checking all numbers from 0 to 10 until i find the smallest one that is not in any of these ranges. So, the number can't be between 2 and 6 (including both), 0 and 3, 9 and 10.
I've written a function and i can't get the right answer. I always get all first numbers that the program checks, but i just need the last one. And i don't understand why it doesn't work with return.
intervals = [(2, 6), (0, 3), (9, 10)]
def smallest_number(intervals):
i = 0
while True:
for first, second in intervals:
if i in range(first, second + 1):
i += 1
I expect the output 7, but i get a loop of 7's or numbers from 1 to 7, depending on where i put print(i).
Your code will print all the numbers that are in the intervals, not those that are not, before it ends in an infinite loop. Try this:
def smallest_number(intervals):
i = 0
while True:
for first, second in intervals:
if i in range(first, second + 1):
i += 1
break # break from inner loop
break # break from outer loop
return i # return number
Also, while if i in range(first, second + 1):
is okay (and fast) in Python 3, I'd rather suggest using if first <= i <= second:
Or shorter, using next
and any
def smallest_number(intervals, max_ = 10):
return next((i for i in range(max_ + 1)
if not any(first <= i <= second for first, second in intervals)),
None) # None is default if none is found