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Laravel Mix HMR not updating after compiling

I have Laravel Mix 4.0.13 installed.

npm run watch works great, and running npm run hot it does seem to compile and detect my changes, recompiling.

However, nothing changes in the browser. In the console I see:

[HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS...
[WDS] Hot Module Replacement enabled.

And after compiling, I get the following message twice, every time I compile:

[WDS] App updated. Recompiling...

I assume there needs to be another message that says reloading or something?

Another strange thing, if I try to refresh the page, it never loads anything from localhost:8080. It just sits there waiting indefinitely. I have to restart npm run hot and then reload the page.

Both JS/Vue and SASS doesn't reload in the browser.


  • You probably use .version() in your mix file. Like in the docs, versioning in development is not very useful, so you could;

    if (mix.inProduction()) {
