Search code examples

MySQL: how to use COALESCE

Say I have the following table:

TABLE: product
| product_id | language_id | name           | description                     |
| 1          | 1           | Widget 1       | Really nice widget. Buy it now! |
| 1          | 2           | Lorem  1       |                                 |

How do I query this such that it tries to give me the name and description where language_id = 2, but fall back to language_id = 1 if the column contains a NULL?

In the above example, I should get Lorem 1 for name and Really nice widget. Buy it now! for description.


  • How about this?

    SET @pid := 1, @lid := 2;
            SELECT name
            FROM product
            WHERE product_id = @pid AND description IS NOT NULL
            LIMIT 1
        )) name, 
            SELECT description
            FROM product
            WHERE product_id = @pid AND description IS NOT NULL
            LIMIT 1
        )) description
    FROM product
    WHERE product_id = @pid 
        AND (language_id = @lid 
        OR language_id = 1)
    ORDER BY language_id DESC
    LIMIT 1;


    • @pid: current product id
    • @lid: current language id
    • Values for name and/or description could be null
    • language_id = 2 item could not exist