I am working with a data processing scenario where incoming data is received in the Azure IoT Hub, processed using Azure stream analytics and posted (http trigger) to an Azure Function:https://github.com/Azure/iotc-device-bridge written in Node.js. The goal here to break the incoming data and process objects asynchoronously. The incoming Data is an array of json objects.
I have tried to loop through req.body to break it up to different objects but that hasn't worked.
Thanks for all the help!
Incoming message to the function:
"device": {
"deviceId": "my-cloud-device"
"measurements": {
"temp": 20.31,
"pressure": 50,
"humidity": 8.5,
"ledColor": "blue"
"device": {
"deviceId": "my-cloud-device"
"measurements": {
"temp": 20.31,
"pressure": 50,
"humidity": 8.5,
"ledColor": "blue"
Code that processes the incoming data
const request = require('request-promise-native');
const handleMessage = require('./lib/engine');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const msiEndpoint = process.env.MSI_ENDPOINT;
const msiSecret = process.env.MSI_SECRET;
const parameters = {
idScope: process.env.ID_SCOPE,
primaryKeyUrl: process.env.IOTC_KEY_URL
let kvToken;
module.exports = async function (context, req) {
try {
await handleMessage({ ...parameters, log: context.log, getSecret: getKeyVaultSecret }, req.body.device, req.body.measurements, req.body.timestamp);
} catch (e) {
context.log('[ERROR]', e.message);
context.res = {
status: e.statusCode ? e.statusCode : 500,
body: e.message
What I am expecting to do is to break apart the incoming message into different object that are processed async using the code block above.
"device": {
"deviceId": "my-cloud-device"
"measurements": {
"temp": 20.31,
"pressure": 50,
"humidity": 8.5,
"ledColor": "blue"
"device": {
"deviceId": "my-cloud-device"
"measurements": {
"temp": 20.31,
"pressure": 50,
"humidity": 8.5,
"ledColor": "blue"
I assume handleMessage
is just for one object. In such a case, you would have to loop over the req.body
to access each one. Could you share what you tried and what didn't work before?
Your code should be something like this
module.exports = async function (context, req) {
let commonArgs = { ...parameters, log: context.log, getSecret: getKeyVaultSecret };
let promiseList = [];
try {
for (let dev of req.body) {
promiseList.add(handleMessage(commonArgs, dev.device, dev.measurements, dev.timestamp));
await Promise.all(promiseList); // This way is much better but you could also await each call too
} catch (e) {
I don't see a timestamp
property in your data. Maybe you removed it?
Also, for much better scale, you might have to check out Durable Functions too, specifically the Fan Out / Fan In pattern.
With this, you would move handleMessage
into an activity function which would scale with your load.