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How to use filter with filterRaw instead raw beego

How to use FilterRaw with Filter instead Raw()

This is my query

_, err := o.QueryTable("BillDetail").Filter("OriginalID", id).Filter("Date", xxx).Filter("Date", yyy).All(&bills)

I want to use filter like

rawSeter = o.Raw("SELECT bill_detail FROM WHERE original_i_d = ? AND WHERE date BETWEEN ? AND ?", id, xxx, yyy)

Because my QueryTable works wrong. It doesn't take WHERE date =? instead BETWEEN.

And I tried this

_, err = o.QueryTable("BillDetail").Filter("OriginalID", id).FilterRaw("WHERE date BETWEEN ? AND ?", xxx, yyy).All(&bills)

But it give me this error

too many arguments in call to o.QueryTable("BillDetail").Filter("OriginalID", id).FilterRaw have (string, time.Time, time.Time) want (string, string)go

then how do I use properly.


  • _, err := o.Raw("SELECT *FROM bill_detail where original_i_d = ? AND date BETWEEN ? and ?", id, xxx, yyy).QueryRows(&bills)

    You can add just query like this.