The manual on the NStepBiLSTM says its forward function expects xs to come in the format of a list of Variable-wrapped sequences. However I get an error that implies xs is supposed to be a np array. What am I missing?
I use this function to turn an input array into a list of variable(array) with array shape (n,1).
def cut_data(data, batchsize):
q = data.shape[0] // batchsize
data = data[:q*batchsize]
data = data.reshape((batchsize, q))
xs = []
for i in range(q):
a = data[:,i].reshape(batchsize,1)
return xs
But when I call my predictor with such an xs I get this error:
<ipython-input-27-cb554613ad71> in __call__(self, xs, ts)
10 batchlen = len(xs)
11 loss = F.sum(F.mean_squared_error(
---> 12 self.predictor(xs), ts, reduce='no')) / batch
14{'loss': loss}, self)
<ipython-input-28-ce9434e91153> in __call__(self, x)
12 def __call__(self, x):
13 self.h, self.c, y = self.lstm(self.h,self.c,x)
---> 14 output = self.out(y)
15 return output
~\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\chainer\links\connection\ in __call__(self, x)
127 in_size = functools.reduce(operator.mul, x.shape[1:], 1)
128 self._initialize_params(in_size)
--> 129 return linear.linear(x, self.W, self.b)
~\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\chainer\functions\connection\ in linear(x, W, b)
166 """
--> 167 if x.ndim > 2:
168 x = x.reshape(len(x), -1)
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'ndim'
This is my simple network:
class LSTM_RNN(Chain):
def __init__(self, n_hidden, n_input=1, n_out=1):
super(LSTM_RNN, self).__init__()
with self.init_scope():
self.lstm = L.NStepBiLSTM(n_layers=n_hidden, in_size=n_input, out_size=n_out, dropout=0.5)
self.out = L.Linear(n_hidden, n_out)
self.h = None
self.c = None
def __call__(self, x):
self.h, self.c, y = self.lstm(self.h,self.c,x)
output = self.out(y)
return output
def reset_state(self):
self.h = None
self.c = None
The error message
---> 14 output = self.out(y)
indicates that your error is triggered by self.out()
method, not self.lstm()
According to the official API reference,
returns a tuple of hy
, cy
, and ys
, which ys
is a list.
Your code
def __call__(self, x):
self.h, self.c, y = self.lstm(self.h,self.c,x)
output = self.out(y)
return output
indicates that y
(which is referred as ys
in the official document) is directly passed to self.out
, which is L.Linear.__call__
. This causes type-mismatch.
In general, the shape of y
in ys
differs each other, because x
in xs
can be a sequence of different lengths.
If you need more help, please feel free to ask questions!