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how to integrate app action using actions.xml?

I am trying to build a build-in-intent[actions.intent.CHECK_AIR_QUALITY]. I have already added the actions.xml in my project. Here is the code:

<?xml version ="1.0" encoding ="utf-8"?><!--  Learn More about how to use 
App Actions: -->
    <!--Example Action -->
    <action intentName="actions.intent.CHECK_AIR_QUALITY">
        label="Check quality"
    <fulfillment urlTemplate="{?drop}">
            urlParameter="drop" />

Here I put a sample url in the place of urlTemplate . But after I install the app in my device the below option(APP ACTION TEST TOOL) is not coming. Here is the video link where I have taken the screen shot.

enter image description here

So I do R&D on that and I have found some link for the conversational action of google codelabs.

Please let me know if you need more information.


  • At Google I/O 2019, some updates were posted about App Actions. The menu item you're looking for is enabled by installing the App Actions Test Tool plugin which you can find in the Android Studio plugin marketplace by searching for "App Actions" (web link).