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In a-frame how can I stop all sounds when a new sound starts playing?

When I play click on the a-entity it plays the sound, but how can I get it to stop all other sounds when played, so it is not a loud muddled mess of a thing?

I've googled the problem and tried adding the codes they use, but they haven't been working, I've tried about 5 different ones.

I am running my sound like this:

<audio id="mercury-sound" src="mercury.mp3" preload="auto"></audio>

<script id="mercury" type="text/html">
          <a-entity class="mercury"
            geometry="primitive: sphere; radius: 0.67"
            material="shader: flat; src: ${thumb}"
            event-set__mouseenter="_target: #image-mercury; material.src: ${src}; opacity: 1"
            event-set__mouseleave="_target: #image-mercury; material.src: ${src}; opacity: 0">

<a-entity template="src: #mercury" sound="src: #mercury-sound; on"></a-entity>

I want it to play the sound and stop all other sounds when played.

EDIT: if anyone else is having this issue, this is what fixed it

The template component is creating child nodes, You need to grab let el = Check it out here also i would manage all sound-related logic in js, but thats another topic :) btw where is poor pluto ! – Piotr Adam Milewski


  • Here's an approach using js. The idea is to:

    1) keep an array of the elements with sound
    2) when one is clicked - iterate through the array and stop sounds
    3) play the 'clicked' one

    Having a setup like this:

    <a-box sound='#first'></a-box>
    <a-box sound='#second'></a-box>
    <a-box sound='#third'></a-box>

    You can create a script, which will:

    // grab all elements with the sound component
    var soundEls = document.querySelectorAll('[sound]')
    // make sure all of those react on a 'click' event
    for (var i = 0; i < soundEls.length; i++) {
       var item = soundEls[i];
       item.addEventListener('click', e => {
            let el =
            // don't replay an already playing sound
            let isPlaying = el.components.sound.isPlaying
            // stop all sounds
            soundEls.forEach(soundEl => {
            // play the clicked sound if isn't already playing
            if (!isPlaying)

    Usually, i'd recommend using an aframe custom component. But it may be easier to get the idea this way. Check it out in this glitch.