I have found some similar questions on this subject, but I wanted to ask again in order to get a more clear answer. I am writing a graph matching algorithm, where each node on the graph assigned to a priority set depending on the matching of its neighbours. Details are not really important, but I am using an std::priority_queue in order to match the highest priority nodes first. Here is the tricky point: Each time a new match is introduced, the priority of the neighbours of the matching nodes shall be updated.
This algorithm is referenced from a paper and although I have implemented the exact same algorithm, I couldn't reach the same matching percentage. I naturally suspected that std::priority_queue may not be reordered as I wanted on priority updates, so I have run some tests and then I found out other questions asking the same thing:
How to tell a std::priority_queue to refresh its ordering?
Does changing a priority queue element result in resorting the queue?
My question naturally is, how can I update the order on new matchings? Can I enforce it? Or is there any other data structure (max heap for example) that can serve to this purpose? Note that, pushing new elements into the queue is not a valid solution for me. Here is the code piece I am using (matchFace() function updates the element priorities):
while (priorityQueue.size() != 0) {
// Take the face at the top of the queue and check if it is already matched
FaceData* currentFace = priorityQueue.top();
// Pop the face at the top in any case
// If the face is not already matched, try to find a matching
if (!currentFace->matched) {
// Try to match the face with one of its neighbors, add it to the unmatched faces list if it fails
int neighborId = matchFace(currentFace);
if (neighborId == -1) {
} else {
matchingMap[currentFace->id] = neighborId;
Using the comments that I received on the problem, I decided to answer it myself. I found out there are three possible ways to overcome this problem: