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Configuration error with Spork?: `require': no such file to load

I'm new to Ruby & Rails, and am currently working on the Rails Tutorial. Specifically I am currently working on the part of the book where I need to setup Spork.

Unfortunately when I enter


I get

Using RSpec
  -- Rinda Ring Server listening for connections...

  -- Starting to fill pool...
     Wait until at least one slave is provided before running tests...
  ** CTRL+BREAK to stop Spork and kill all ruby slave processes **
Spork is ready and listening on 8989!
<internal:lib/rubygems/custom_require>:29:in `require': no such file to load --
magazine_slave (LoadError)
        from <internal:lib/rubygems/custom_require>:29:in `require'
        from magazine_slave_provider.rb:5:in `<main>'

with the last 4 lines repeating.

Ok, simple enough, it appears to be a problem in lib/rubygems/custom_require.

The project lib dir doesn't contain a rubygems subdirectory, so I'm assuming it's in the ruby directory; but it isn't. So is rubygems some kind of virtual dir?

$ dir *custom_require*.* /s/b



So the html file obviously isn't it, and line 29 on the following files have comments.


There is code on line 29 of


But when I commented out the code, I still got the error, and when I removed comments on lines before 29, the error line number did not change.

Can anybody throw me a bone as to what this might be?


  • Ok, here's what I did to solve the problem.

    I'm not totally thrilled with the solution, and feel it leaves many more unanswered questions, but it may provide a hint to future people with similar problems.

    1. I originally installed BitNami Ruby before RubyInstaller, so I thought there might be configurations somewhere that was at least partially using Bitnami, instead of RubyInstaller. So I uninstalled RubyInstaller, the BitNami. Then I reinstalled RubyInstaller and reran all gem installs etc, from the tutorial.

    2. Unfortunately, while I no longer got the error above, I was getting a different one.

      magazine_slave_provider.rb:5:in 'require': no such file to load -- magazine_slave (LoadError) from magazine_slave_provider.rb:5:in '<main>'

      At least I could find this file & I solved this, by replacing require 'magazine_slave' with require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/magazine_slave'

    This seemed to resolve the problem for me, although it does seem like I just covered up a sympton of a bigger issue. It seems unlikely this is the actual problem when nobody else seems to be having this problem.