I have two queries, available and active.
If I have a row in active, I would want to exclude it from available.
See my attempt below:
active_params = (AvailParam
.where(AvailParamPhones.phone == phone)
avail_params = (AvailParam
.join(AvailParamPhones, JOIN.LEFT_OUTER)
.where( AvailParam.select() << active_params )
This gives me
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for <<: 'ModelSelect' and 'ModelSelect'
How should I be querying while excluding members of a previous query?
Well, first of all, use "AvailParam.id.in_(active_params)"...it makes no sense to have a select on the left-hand-side and right-hand-side of an IN clause:
avail_params = (AvailParam
.join(AvailParamPhones, JOIN.LEFT_OUTER)
.where( AvailParam.id.in_(active_params) )
If you want NOT IN, use AvailParam.id.not_in(...):
avail_params = (AvailParam
.join(AvailParamPhones, JOIN.LEFT_OUTER)
.where( AvailParam.id.not_in(active_params) )
If your database supports EXCEPT you can also use a compound select query. Example: