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Multiple Props Options for Styled Components

I have a navbar component that I have created using Styled Components. I would like to create some props that change the background-color and/or text color.

For instance: <Navbar dark> should have the following CSS:

background: #454545;
color: #fafafa;

Whereas <Navbar light> should be the opposite:

background: #fafafa;
color: #454545;

If, however, neither prop is used, then I want to have a default background and text color -- say (for demo purposes), something like this:

background: #eee;
color: #333;

Now, my question is how to set this up in Styled Components.

I can do the following:

background: ${props => props.dark ? #454545 : '#eee'}
background: ${props => props.dark ? #fafafa : '#eee'}
background:  #eee;

And something similar for color.

But this is redundant and not very elegant. I would like some sort of if/else statement:

background: ${ props => { 
  if (props.dark) { #454545 }
  elseif (props.light) { #fafafa }
  else { #eee }

But I don't know how to set something like that up in Styled Components.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


  • This is the solution I ended up using:

    export const Navbar = styled.nav`
      width: 100%;
      ...  // rest of the regular CSS code
      ${props => {
        if (props.dark) {
          return `
            background: ${colors.dark};
            color: ${colors.light};
        } else if (props.light) {
          return `
            background: ${colors.light};
            color: ${colors.dark};
        } else {
          return `
            background: ${colors.light};
            color: ${colors.dark};