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Is this 8051 ASM function as unnecessarily convoluted as I think, or is there something I'm missing?

I'm reverse engineering some firmware I dumped from an embedded device that uses an 8051 microcontroller. And I came across this function, which Ghidra disassembles as follows:

undefined FUN_CODE_1cff()
       undefined         R7:1           <RETURN>
  1cff XCH  A,R5
  1d00 MOV  A,R7
  1d01 XCH  A,R5
  1d02 MOV  A,R5
  1d03 MOV  R2,A
  1d04 MOV  A,R6
  1d05 MOV  R7,A
  1d06 MOV  A,R2
  1d07 MOV  R6,A
  1d08 RET

So what I think it's doing is:

| Instruction |  Explanation   | A  | R2 | R5 | R6 | R7 |
|             |                | 10 |  2 |  5 |  6 |  7 |
| XCH  A,R5   | Swap A with R5 |  5 |  2 | 10 |  6 |  7 |
| MOV  A,R7   | Copy R7 into A |  7 |  2 | 10 |  6 |  7 |
| XCH  A,R5   | Swap A with R5 | 10 |  2 |  7 |  6 |  7 |
| MOV  A,R5   | Copy R5 into A |  7 |  2 |  7 |  6 |  7 |
| MOV  R2,A   | Copy A into R2 |  7 |  7 |  7 |  6 |  7 |
| MOV  A,R6   | Copy R6 into A |  6 |  7 |  7 |  6 |  7 |
| MOV  R7,A   | Copy A into R7 |  6 |  7 |  7 |  6 |  6 |
| MOV  A,R2   | Copy R2 into A |  7 |  7 |  7 |  6 |  6 |
| MOV  R6,A   | Copy A into R6 |  7 |  7 |  7 |  7 |  6 |
| RET         | Return         |  7 |  7 |  7 |  7 |  6 |

But that seems like it has a whole bunch of unnecessary steps. Wouldn't this be a lot more straightforward?

| Instruction |  Explanation   | A  | R2 | R5 | R6 | R7 |
|             |                | 10 |  2 |  5 |  6 |  7 |
| XCH  A,R6   | Swap A with R6 |  6 |  2 |  5 | 10 |  7 |
| XCH  A,R7   | Swap A with R7 |  7 |  2 |  5 | 10 |  6 |
| MOV  R2,A   | Copy A into R2 |  7 |  7 |  5 | 10 |  6 |
| MOV  R5,A   | Copy A into R5 |  7 |  7 |  7 | 10 |  6 |
| MOV  R6,A   | Copy A into R6 |  7 |  7 |  7 |  7 |  6 |
| RET         | Return         |  7 |  7 |  7 |  7 |  6 |

And this is me assuming you can't directly MOV or XCH between two R# registers. Being able to MOV wouldn't make a difference here I don't think, but if you can XCH, then you could shave off one more line like so:

| Instruction |   Explanation   | A  | R2 | R5 | R6 | R7 |
|             |                 | 10 |  2 |  5 |  6 |  7 |
| XCH  R6,R7  | Swap R6 with R7 | 10 |  2 |  5 |  7 |  6 |
| MOV  A,R6   | Copy R6 into A  |  7 |  2 |  5 |  7 |  6 |
| MOV  R2,A   | Copy A into R2  |  7 |  7 |  5 |  7 |  6 |
| MOV  R5,A   | Copy A into R5  |  7 |  7 |  7 |  7 |  6 |
| RET         | Return          |  7 |  7 |  7 |  7 |  6 |

That being said, does anyone have any idea why it might have been implemented the way it was? I don't think it was to obfuscate the code—the chip I dumped it from (P87C51RB2BA) has a "read-protect" bit that can be set when it's programmed, as well as the option to have it read out encrypted code. I figure if they had any reason to want to obfuscate the code, they would have set one of these, but (thankfully) it looks like they didn't, as I was able to dump the chip in cleartext just fine. (Unless my chip is merely "functional by mistake".) And it would be weird to just obfuscate this one part anyway.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that the function in question is called in quite a few places in the code; it's one of the most frequently-called functions I've seen in this firmware actually.

Here's some of the surrounding code, starting with another function that looks similarly convoluted (though it isn't called nearly as much, and I haven't analyzed it in detail)

                             *                          FUNCTION                          *
                             undefined FUN_CODE_1cd3()
             undefined         R7:1           
                             FUN_CODE_1cd3                                   XREF[9]:     FUN_CODE_0311:0462(c), 
       CODE:1cd3 c8              XCH        A,R0
       CODE:1cd4 ef              MOV        A,R7
       CODE:1cd5 c8              XCH        A,R0
       CODE:1cd6 e6              MOV        A,@R0
       CODE:1cd7 fe              MOV        R6,A
       CODE:1cd8 08              INC        R0
       CODE:1cd9 e6              MOV        A,@R0
       CODE:1cda ff              MOV        R7,A
       CODE:1cdb 12 1c ff        LCALL      FUN_CODE_1cff                                    undefined FUN_CODE_1cff()
       CODE:1cde 22              RET
                             *                          FUNCTION                          *
                             undefined FUN_CODE_1cdf()
             undefined         R7:1           
                             FUN_CODE_1cdf                                   XREF[2]:     FUN_CODE_0cd4:0da7(c), 
       CODE:1cdf 12 18 4d        LCALL      FUN_CODE_184d                                    undefined FUN_CODE_184d()
       CODE:1ce2 78 6c           MOV        R0,#0x6c
       CODE:1ce4 e6              MOV        A,@R0=>DAT_INTMEM_6c                             = ??
       CODE:1ce5 24 05           ADD        A,#0x5
       CODE:1ce7 f5 2f           MOV        DAT_INTMEM_2f,A                                  = ??
       CODE:1ce9 22              RET
                             *                          FUNCTION                          *
                             undefined FUN_CODE_1cea()
             undefined         R7:1           
                             FUN_CODE_1cea                                   XREF[1]:     FUN_CODE_165c:16b1(c)  
       CODE:1cea e5 1d           MOV        A,BANK3_R5                                       = ??
       CODE:1cec 60 06           JZ         LAB_CODE_1cf4
       CODE:1cee 12 1c 70        LCALL      FUN_CODE_1c70                                    undefined FUN_CODE_1c70()
       CODE:1cf1 12 1b d5        LCALL      FUN_CODE_1bd5                                    undefined FUN_CODE_1bd5()
                             LAB_CODE_1cf4                                   XREF[1]:     CODE:1cec(j)  
       CODE:1cf4 22              RET
                             *                          FUNCTION                          *
                             undefined FUN_CODE_1cf5()
             undefined         R7:1           
                             FUN_CODE_1cf5                                   XREF[3]:     FUN_CODE_0311:0520(c), 
       CODE:1cf5 e5 2d           MOV        A,DAT_INTMEM_2d                                  = ??
       CODE:1cf7 04              INC        A
       CODE:1cf8 ff              MOV        R7,A
       CODE:1cf9 30 e7 02        JNB        ACC.7,LAB_CODE_1cfe                              = ??
       CODE:1cfc 7f 01           MOV        R7,#0x1
                             LAB_CODE_1cfe                                   XREF[1]:     CODE:1cf9(j)  
       CODE:1cfe 22              RET
                             *                          FUNCTION                          *
                             undefined FUN_CODE_1cff()
             undefined         R7:1           
                             FUN_CODE_1cff                                   XREF[23]:    FUN_CODE_0cd4:0cf2(c), 
                                                                                          FUN_CODE_1a5c:1a76(c), [more]
       CODE:1cff cd              XCH        A,R5
       CODE:1d00 ef              MOV        A,R7
       CODE:1d01 cd              XCH        A,R5
       CODE:1d02 ed              MOV        A,R5
       CODE:1d03 fa              MOV        R2,A
       CODE:1d04 ee              MOV        A,R6
       CODE:1d05 ff              MOV        R7,A
       CODE:1d06 ea              MOV        A,R2
       CODE:1d07 fe              MOV        R6,A
       CODE:1d08 22              RET
                             LAB_CODE_1d09                                   XREF[1]:     CODE:1cc2(j)  
       CODE:1d09 7b 01           MOV        R3,#0x1
       CODE:1d0b 7a 00           MOV        R2,#0x0
       CODE:1d0d 02 1b 12        LJMP       LAB_CODE_1b12
                             DAT_CODE_1d10                                   XREF[1]:     start:152a(R)  
       CODE:1d10 01              undefined1 01h
                             DAT_CODE_1d11                                   XREF[1]:     start:1538(R)  
       CODE:1d11 1b              undefined1 1Bh
                             DAT_CODE_1d12                                   XREF[3]:     start:14ed(R), start:14ff(R), 
       CODE:1d12 00              undefined1 00h
                             DAT_CODE_1d13                                   XREF[4]:     start:14f1(R), start:14ff(R), 
                                                                                          start:152a(R), start:154b(R)  
       CODE:1d13 01              undefined1 01h
                             DAT_CODE_1d14                                   XREF[3]:     start:14f1(R), start:152a(R), 
       CODE:1d14 1f              undefined1 1Fh
                             DAT_CODE_1d15                                   XREF[2]:     start:152a(R), start:154f(R)  
       CODE:1d15 08              undefined1 08h
       CODE:1d16 00              ??         00h

EDIT 2: The device in question is a handheld programming device for Brinks alarm panels, the same one seen in my video here.


  • Through some guesswork (see comments) we came to the conclusion that

      1cff XCH  A,R5
      1d00 MOV  A,R7
      1d01 XCH  A,R5
      1d02 MOV  A,R5
      1d03 MOV  R2,A
      1d04 MOV  A,R6
      1d05 MOV  R7,A
      1d06 MOV  A,R2
      1d07 MOV  R6,A
      1d08 RET

    is most probably a little-endian to big-endian conversion function generated by some non-optimising compiler. In C it would look something like:

    uint16_t Convert16_BE2LE(uint16 var)
       uint16_t retVal;
       retVal = ((var & 0x00FF) << 8) | ((var & 0xFF00) >> 8);
       return retVal;

    R5, R2 are used by the compiler as scratch registers.

    As I mentioned in one of the comments, back in 2000-2005 I worked with ccz80 compiler by Wind River that produced similar results in terms of optimisation. It would pretty much just translate a particular C construct into a fixed sequence of opcodes. As a result, the code was correct but looked terribly suboptimal for someone who was used to manual assembly programming. On the other hand, though, this allowed the compiler to be cheap, tiny (~150-200K) and very fast.