While updating a doc (using update API), I need to extract a field of last entered element of an array, and then use it while adding a new element to the same array.
For example:
"_id": "guid",
"timestamp": "time",
"conversation": [
"previousTopic": "A",
"currentTopic": "B",
"score": 80
"previousTopic": "B",
"currentTopic": "C",
"score": 85
Now, while inserting a new element to this array using the update API, first extract the "currentTopic" field of the last element (which is C in this case) and then insert this as "previousTopic" of the next element.
I know how to use basic update API which would insert a new element to the array of the document:
POST test/_doc/{doc_id}/_update
"script" : {
"source": "ctx._source.communication.add(params.newcom)",
"lang": "painless",
"params" : {
"newcomm" : {
"previousTopic": {extracted value will go here}
"currentTopic" : "D"
"score" : 89 }
I was able to do this flawlessly using painless scripting.
POST test/_doc/nbsadmnsabdmas/_update
"script" : {
"lang": "painless",
"source" :
// find the length of array
def count = ctx._source.conversation.length;
// get to the last element and extract
def temp = ctx._source.conversation[count-1].currentTopic;
// add a new element to the array