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How can I import video files with NSOpenPanel?

I want to import video files with NSOpenPanel. How can I do it?

I want play this video on a avkit player. Maybe you could help with playing the video file as well?

This is the code I wrote

        let filePicker: NSOpenPanel = NSOpenPanel()

    filePicker.allowsMultipleSelection = false
    filePicker.canChooseFiles = true
    filePicker.canChooseDirectories = false
    filePicker.appearance = NSAppearance(named: .aqua)
    filePicker.titlebarAppearsTransparent = true

    let chosenFile = filePicker.url

    if chosenFile != nil
        let imageImport = NSImage(contentsOf: chosenFile!)

I tried to find tutorials about it, but it seems like this isn't a common problem.


  • Use the allowedFileTypes property, along with the Uniform Type Identifiers system.

    If you want to filter for any files that Mac OS X consider a movie file, regardless of extension, pass in

    filePicker.allowedFileTypes = [""]

    If you want to filter for only MPEG-4 files, a specific movie format, pass in a different UTI:

    filePicker.allowedFileTypes = [kUTTypeMPEG4 as String] // kUTTypeMPEG4 == "public.mpeg-4"

    If you want to only allow files with extension of .mp4 (one of several extensions allowed for MPEG-4 encoding), pass the extension in:

    filePicker.allowedFileTypes = ["mp4"]

    The examples goes from most generic (all types of movie files), to more specific (only MPEG-4 encoded files) to most restricted (only .mp4 files). Choose one that suits your needs.