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look for a specific filetype in a directory in php and send it to a different directory after conversion

I have a directory in which there is a mp4 file (including other files as well) which I want to convert into mp3 and then send it to different directory. I have used the following command line command to covert into mp3 and its working perfectly fine.

ffmpeg -i 36031P.mp4 -map 0:2 -ac 1 floor_english.mp3 

mp4 file is inside in_folder. Using ffmpeg, I want to convert mp4 file into mp3 and send it to out_folder.

$dir    = 'in_folder';
$files1 = scandir($dir);
print_r($files1);    /* It lists all the files in a directory including mp4 file*/

print_r($files1) lists all the file in a directory including mp4file.

Problem Statement:

I am wondering what php code I need to write so that it looks for only mp4 file inside the directory and send it to different directory (let say out_folder) after converting into mp3.

The pictorial representation of what I want:

enter image description here


  • In think it is what you want :

    $dir    = 'in_folder';
    $files1 = scandir($dir);
    print_r($files1);    /* It lists all the files in a directory including mp4 file*/
    $destination = 'your new destination';
    foreach($files1 as $f)
      $parts = pathinfo($f);
      if ($parts['extension'] = 'mp3';
        // copy($f, $destination. DS . $parts['filename']. '.' . $parts['extension']);
        rename($f, $destination. DS . $parts['filename']. '.mp3');

    Documentation pathinfo

    Edit with convertion :

    I think you can directly export your mp3 like this

    foreach($files1 as $f)
      $parts = pathinfo($f);
      if ($parts['extension'] = 'mp4';
        // $result : the last line of the command output on success, and FALSE on failure. Optional.
        system('ffmpeg -i '.$f.' -map 0:2 -ac 1 '.$destination.DS. $parts['filename'].'.mp3', $result);
      // See:
      if ($result === false) {
        // Do something if failed
        // log for example
      } else {
        // command completed with code : $result
        // 0 by convention for exit with success EXIT_SUCCESS
        // 1 by convention for exit with error EXIT_ERROR

    Documentation system

    or do a first loop too convert mp4, and a second loop to copy mp3

    Edit all in one :

    foreach($files1 as $f)
      $parts = pathinfo($f);
        case 'mp4' :
          // $result : the last line of the command output on success, and FALSE on failure. Optional.
          system('ffmpeg -i '.$f.' -map 0:2 -ac 1 '.$destination.DS. $parts['filename'].'.mp3', $result);
          // See:
          if ($result === false) {
            // Do something if failed
            // log for example
          } else {
            // command completed with code : $result
            // 0 by convention for exit with success EXIT_SUCCESS
            // 1 by convention for exit with error EXIT_ERROR
        case 'mp3' :
          // copy($f, $destination. DS . $parts['filename']. '.' . $parts['extension']);
          rename($f, $destination.DS.$parts['filename'].'.mp3');

    Edit 1 : correction strtolower($parts['extension']) to check the extension of the file none case-sensitive.

    or like this :

    strtolower(pathinfo("/path/file.mP4", PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) == ".mp4"

    There is no need to use preg_match and regexp because pathinfo is a pre-made function to do the job and it works fine unless you use double named extension like .tar.gz for example.


    Edit 2 : Use rename instead of copy to move mp3.