Python3 has the super string.format printing:
'{} {}'.format('one', 'two')
If my strings are in an array, one way would be to type them out:
a = ['one','two']
'{} {}'.format(a[0],a[1])
But how can I print from an array, instead of having to type out each element?
For example, broken code:
a = ['one','two']
'{} {}'.format(a)
Gives me an expected error: IndexError: tuple index out of range
Of course, playing with ','.join(a)
won't help, because it gives one string rather than 2.
(Or is there a way to do this better with f-strings?)
And for full-disclosure, I'm using a raw-string because it has some geometrical significance, and my real code looks like this:
hex_string = r'''
/ \
/ \
,----( {} )----.
/ \ / \
/ {} \_____/ {} \
\ / \ /
\ / \ /
)----( {} )----(
/ \ / \
/ \_____/ \
\ {} / \ {} /
\ / \ /
`----( {} )----'
\ /
letters = list('1234567')
print(hex_string.format(letters[0], letters[1], letters[2], letters[3], letters[4], letters[5], letters[6]))
Use unpacking to expand the array during the function call.
/ \
/ \
,----( 1 )----.
/ \ / \
/ 2 \_____/ 3 \
\ / \ /
\ / \ /
)----( 4 )----(
/ \ / \
/ \_____/ \
\ 5 / \ 6 /
\ / \ /
`----( 7 )----'
\ /