I'm trying to remove place marker form map. when user perform keypress event in input field.in my project i have two gmap-autocomplete components the both creat diffrent markers on map.so when i use setMap(null) then it remove all the markes form map.i need to remove one at a time.Please help Thank you.!
refreshMapEndSource(event) {
if (document.getElementById('txtDestination').value != '') {
let endOrigin = document.getElementById('txtDestination').value
if (this.markRemEnd != null) {
if (endOrigin != this.markRemEnd.fplace) {
console.log('NOt Equal')
} else {
I'm not sure what are you trying to do but I guess you want to remove markers which created from either A or B component.
To do this when you create marker you have to keep it in some array let's call it as markers
let markers = []
let marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: location,
map: map
type: 'A' // or 'B',
Then whenever you want to remove markers from A:
markers.forEach(marker => {
if (marker.type === 'A') marker.marker.setMap(null)
markers = this.markers.filter(marker => marker.type !== 'A')
Well if my guess is wrong and you really want to remove particular marker which is pretty similar you have to know which marker you have remove.
name: 'abc',
markers.forEach(marker => {
if (marker.name === 'abc') marker.marker.setMap(null)