I'm using Python 3.4.0 on ArchLinux (without X11) as guest in a Vagrant box. When running my script I get this error message:
Pyperclip could not find a copy/paste mechanism for your system
According to this link, I've installed xsel and xclip packages but I cannot install gtk nor PyQt4 modules, because I get this another error message:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement PyQt4 (from versions: )
According to this post, I should install python3-pyqt4 package, but the package more near showed by pacman is python-pyqt5 and it requires to install many packages included packages for X11. Is this necessary? I wish to preserve my distro light as possible.
Any solution? Thanks in advance.
This method fixed it for me.
pip install QtPy
also you could refer to this thread for more help https://pyperclip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/introduction.html#not-implemented-error