How can I listdir in multi-hopped ssh situation? Or there's other way to get my target file?
def file_lookup():
for file in os.listdir('/var/log/rsyslog/firewall-a/'):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, 'syslog-'+date+'-\d{10}\.gz'):
global log_file
log_file = file
def copy_from_log_server_to_bastion():
ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh_client.connect(bastion_ip, bastion_port, username, password)
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command('scp ' + username + '@' + log_server_ip + ':' + logs_directory + log_file + ' ./')
def copy_from_bastion_to_local():
# some codes here
I want my script to copy a file from remote server -> bastion host -> local, but I'm having problem with this multi-hopped ssh.
Here's the network-mapping: (
Sorry that I have not enough reputation to append image in post.
I'd modified my second function code into this, third function is unnecessary, and now it works:
def copy_from_log_server_to_local(log_client):
os.mkdir('/vagrant/Logs/' +'%m%d'))
scp_client = SCPClient(log_client.get_transport())
scp_client.get('/var/log/rsyslog/firewall-a/'+log_file, '/vagrant/Logs/' +'%m%d') + '/')
has channel opened with my bastion host