I found this post for connecting a Java Bean as property binding with an existing JavaFX property. The binding should target a boolean property:
class MyClass {
private boolean loaded;
public boolean isLoaded() {
return loaded;
// Value changed internally
For real beans, meaning beans with setters the following works like a charm. But I've the problem that there's no setter for the loaded property, just because it's set internally and shouldn't be modifyable for external classes.
BooleanProperty loadedProeprty = new JavaBeanBooleanPropertyBuilder()
Is there any way to create still a property for such "beans" without a setter? For now I just get a NoSuchMethodException
for the expected setter MyClass.setLoaded(boolean)
Use ReadOnlyJavaBeanBooleanPropertyBuilder
Normal properties in JavaFX are always read/write and thus require a setter. The read only variant creates a read only property and thus does not require a setter.